Know why your baby is twisting and pulling your breast! How to stop it! 

If you are a nursing mother, you might have noticed your baby twiddling while breastfeeding, right? Such behaviour can sometimes feel awkward or strange. But, wait, let us tell you, it’s not going to stop soon!

Know why your baby is twisting and pulling your breast! How to stop it!

As the baby grows, twisting and pulling the nipple will become more common.

It’s important to understand that it’s a natural part of their development. They are curious and love exploring the world around them, including through touch and manipulation. It’s just their way of learning and discovering the world near them, but it’s also important to stop them before it becomes a habit!

Let’s discover the reasons why your baby is twisting and pulling your breasts while breastfeeding, and how you can stop it. 

What is twiddling while breastfeeding? 

Twiddling means “act of manipulation or fiddling”. But in the context of “twiddling while breastfeeding”, it means a situation when your baby twists or pinches your nipple while nursing or feeding

Why does my baby play with my nipple | Why do Babies Twiddle?

Baby’s twisting and pinching habits on their mother’s nipples is very common.Your nipples are the nearest and most familiar for them, which becomes a natural target.  When nursing, the baby may play with your breasts as a way to engage with their environment.

Why does my baby play with my nipple | Why do Babies Twiddle?
Why does my baby play with my nipple | Why do Babies Twiddle?

But, there’s no need to worry. This behaviour can also serve as a beneficial purpose. Twisting and pulling while breastfeeding can help stimulate milk production and flow, ensuring that your baby receives an adequate supply of nourishment.

But the problem arises when your baby grows , and they still play with your nipple thinking it is also one of the other things that they can play with. The other  potential reasons are listed down below:  

  1. They find it comforting.
  2. They want faster and more milk 
  3. They are curious.
  4. They want to interact with you more. 
  5. If the milk supply is low, the baby’s twist and pull will increase the supply.
  6. If the latching position is not comfortable. 
  7. Coughing, gagging, wheezing, or choking while feeding. 
  8. Hard or engorged breast 
  9. Confusion between bottle and nipple during the weaning phase. 
  10. Babies get frustrated easily.

Other than the above important reasons, fever, ear infection, and sleeplessness could also be the reason. Try to understand it with your mother’s hunch or visit your doctor.  

Note: Babies are attention-seeking little balls of happiness. If you don’t give them the needed attention, they might show it while twiddling to grab your attention. 

Why does my baby pinch my nipple?   

Baby pinching the nipple is very common and nothing to be worried about.

Why does my baby pinch my nipple?
Why does my baby pinch my nipple?

 Most mothers can relate to their babies pinching their nipples while breastfeeding. This is just another stunt your baby pulls out of curiosity, as they explore their surroundings 

Here are a few reasons why a baby might pinch your nipple. 

  • Milk Flow: Too little milk or too much milk can make them irritated. It would lead to baby pinching while nursing. If the problem is too little milk, feed frequently to increase the supply. 
  • Comfort: There are also chances your baby is not comfortable with the position. So they pinch or bite to show the discomfort. Try changing or tweaking the latching position.
  • Teething: Teething could be another common reason. While teething, babies would search for things to bite and chew on as they offer comfort. 

Tip: Ensure you keep their hand busy to stop the habit from biting. 

Why does your baby keep switching breasts while breastfeeding ?   

Apart from twisting and pulling, “Why my baby keep switching breasts while breastfeeding is another common question asked by new mother!

A baby’s habit of switching breasts while breastfeeding is very common. A few of the most common reasons are listed down below:

Why does my baby keep switching breasts while breastfeeding
Why does my baby keep switching breasts while breastfeeding
  • If the baby is done drinking milk on one side or bored of one breast, they want to switch to another. 
  • If the baby is extremely hungry or thirsty, they may shift breasts to completely drain the breast. 
  • While nutrition is important for a baby, the baby prefers comfort. They switch breasts if they are not comfortable with one side of the breast. 
  • If the milk’s flow is stopped or slowed down, they shift breasts.
  • If the milk is coming in heavy force, they try to switch. 

Note: When the milk comes in high force, it will make the baby choke and gag. Take precautions!

  • Your baby might change position to burp. 
  • Your nipple’s shape could also be a reason. 
  • Another common reason could be not getting enough “hindmilk.”

Note: Make sure you are closely following your baby’s stool, feeding cues, and diapers. If the baby’s weight is increasing healthily, there is nothing to be worried about. If you are not satisfied, you should immediately consult your doctor. 

Should You Let your Baby Twiddle?

Now here comes the most important question: “Should I let my baby twiddle”.

It varies from one person to another and completely depends on your views and beliefs. It can be both yes and no!

However, baby twiddling while breastfeeding can be distracting and weird for most of the mothers. But this twiddling offers some benefits to your baby. 

Here we have mentioned the pros and cons of a baby’s twiddling : 

Pros and Cons of Twiddling
Pros and Cons of Twiddling

Letting your baby twiddle is your personal choice. 

If you want your baby a sense of comfort and security, you can let them twiddle. But if it’s a painful process for you, it’s better to stop your baby quickly, before they get used to it! 

How to stop baby’s twiddling while breastfeeding   

As mentioned in the above section, if you are uncomfortable or getting distracted by baby twiddling while breastfeeding, you must stop this before it becomes a habit so that it won’t be difficult for you and the baby.

How to stop twiddling while breastfeeding
How to stop twiddling while breastfeeding

Here we are sharing a few tips to stop your baby from twiddling while breastfeeding:

  1. Offer comfort by interacting with your baby.
  2. Get a hold of their hand as soon as they touch your other breast. 
  3. Give them some light, soft cloth or something they can fiddle with. 
  4. Cover up your breasts.
  5. Wear a thick or sports bra.
  6. Put distracting jewellery on your neck for the baby to play with.
  7. Invest in a good Twiddle Tip.

 Following the above strategies will save you a lot of “ouches.”

How to stop baby’s pinching nipple when breastfeeding 

Yes, we know, that pinching is extremely painful, especially in the most sensitive part of your body. 

Whenever your baby pinches, you must quickly stop them, or your reflexes would be quick to stop the baby. Now, the baby may start crying, after seeing that you are not letting them play, but here are a few strategies you can follow to prevent your baby from pinching your nipple while breastfeeding:

How to stop baby’s pinching nipple when breastfeeding
  • Immediately take their hand away when they start pinching. 
  • Give them some clothes or toys to keep their hands busy.
  • Say “No”(by your expressions) or Show visible discomfort as soon as they pinch your nipple. 
  • Close your nipple yourself to show your baby that you are not comfortable.
  • Hold your baby’s hands.

You can use the above techniques to stop your baby from pinching your nipple. Even if your weaned toddler is twiddling your nipple, you can still use the above methods. 

Try to teach them nursing manners and the difference between gentle and harsh touch, by giving expressions. Consistent communication through expressions reinforces these lessons over time.


Babies can be very naughty as they grow. While growing, they find it very curious to use their arms, teeth, and everything around them. This curiosity is one of the critical driving factors behind all that twiddling, pinching, grabbing, twisting, and pulling your nipple. 

If you are not comfortable or can’t bear the pain, stop them as soon as they start. The listed strategies in this article will help you to prevent this from the start. We hope this helps!


  1. Why does my baby pull on my nipple while nursing?

If the milk supply is slow or fast, improper latching position, etc can lead to nipple pulling by the baby during breastfeeding. 

  1. Why does my baby squirm so much while eating?

Baby squirming while breastfeeding could be a warning sign for nursing parents. Like overactive letdown, stomach aches, etc.. Immediately consult a healthcare provider. 

  1. Why does my baby grab my breast while nursing?

One of the common reasons is that your baby might like using their arms. If they practice using their arms, they tend to grab your breast while nursing. 

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